2ManyCurves's Notizen

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28 Juli 2017

Still haven't joined the gym. Instead I've been swimming the murky lake cove two to three times per week, praying a bass doesn't swim up from the depths into the view of my goggles and scare the crap out of me. Something brushed against my leg Tuesday. I'm gonna pretend a stick must have sunk. God I hope that was a stick....

I'm registered for so many races you'd think I was making a living out of it or at least would make the podium. But nope. I will get a t-shirt and banana though if there are snacks left by the time I cross the finish line. haha

I do have a faster pace though since I've been wfpb. I am only weighing in on Mondays to keep my frustration of gaining and losing the same three pounds over and over to a minimum. I don't know when I will reach pre-baby #3 weight. But, I am trying to focus less on that and more on pushing my mileage up and pace down. I've had three people mention that I looked like I've lost weight and I've noticed some of my clothes are a bit loose this week. I am getting a little curious to see where I am on the scale but I am going to hold off for sure until Monday so I can maintain consistency through the weekend too.

Husband was very sweet this morning. He had bought a bunch of jam off a coworker who made it and even went so far as to inquire of the ingredients to make sure it was compliant with what I can eat too. He isn't eating the same way as I do but he is trying to be supportive. Not once did he fuss last night over my chickpea lentil pasta with homemade spinach, tomato, pepper onion marinara.

20 Juli 2017

Seriously debating joining a gym that is over 45 min from my house. It's the only gym with a swimming pool though so that I could train year round. It's $45/month and also has available babysitting at $3 a session. Also requires a $100 membership fee. Part of me says I used to spend more than $15/week on fast food....so I'm sort of saving money by joining? But, then the other part of me reminds myself that I still frequent Subway at lunch. Presently swimming the cove at the lake, but that makes it difficult to track distance I am swimming. Also---I've spent a good $200 this past month on upgrades for my bike. I really do need to do speed work for my run and I can do hill repeats for free. I just don't know if it is a justified expense especially in light of the distance I have to travel to and from to just go. Most weekends are spent with a long run or a long ride and one 30 min swim session with my coach. Of course I am spending $10 per week for an access fee to the pool with my coach on those Sunday sessions anyway.

Lots of training. Sticking to a plant-based diet. Watching the scale jump back and forth over the same dang numbers. I've gained and lost the same three pounds at least ten times in the last month. Going to stay the course though...and hope I'm not just meeting the definition of insanity.

It is weird though. My clothes are loser. The scale is the same. My legs are muscled up nicely and I'm fairly happy with them. But, this big ole mommy belly just wants to stay jiggling in place.

14 Juli 2017

I'm so hungry right now. I guess the ramped up training is making me want to eat more. Breakfast was a serving of almonds. I've been sipping on water all morning too. But, lunch cant come quick enough. I've been keeping close tabs on sugar consumption and have had 100% vegetarian (mostly vegan but I occasionally grab a low fat cheese stick) for a little over a week now. Protein consumption could probably be a little better. I've been sitting around 31-49 grams a day. Boosting that up will help with the hunger. Fiber is on point, if not well-over. Scale is barely moving, as always it seems. Blah. I hate the scale. I need to incorporate more lentils, beans & mushrooms in dinners over the next week to help boost that protein macro.

I'm feeling much stronger on the bike. Bought clipless pedals and have been practicing using those on the trainer. Think I may try them on a road ride Saturday. Fingers crossed that I don't break anything. I went ahead and registered for a sprint triathlon in August and one in September. I feel pretty confident that I can complete both at the moment. But, I really would like to do better than just finish this time. I'd like to finish in the top three in my division. Dream big, right?

07 Juli 2017

05 Juli 2017

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