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vom Mitglied: HopefulMommy76

Spinach Pie

An excellent, addictive spinach pie that's sure to please everyone.



  1. Thaw spinach.
  2. Mix all ingredients.
  3. Spray a pie pan with cooking spray, like Pam.
  4. Pour mixture into pie pan.
  5. Bake at 350 °F (175 °C) for 45-50 minutes.
1898 Mitglieder haben dieses Rezept ihrem Kochbuch hinzugefügt.

Love this recipe!!! Since I like it a tad spicy, I add 8oz of Hot Tennessee Pride sausage.
user vote
20 Dez 21 vom Mitglied: Elwillie
I made some changes to make it a bit more LCHF friendly, I switched the cottage cheese for feta, I I used Mozzarella since it was what I had and added a couple ounces of diced pepperoni. it was awesome!
user vote
12 Jun 14 vom Mitglied: Boghog1
Really tasty. I used feta instead of cheddar & seasoned it with Greek seasoning. Next time I`ll add a few sliced sun-dried tomatoes for a little color.
user vote
19 Mai 14 vom Mitglied: MyLuvMaya
I loved it! I added mushrooms. Will be eating this weekly it was that good. I was thinking of adding diced tomatoes .... will see. You've got to try this recipe if you like spinach. SO EASY to prepare.
user vote
26 Mrz 14 vom Mitglied: Cuegirl2000
Yummy Yummy!! I was sooo suprised how good it turned out! Other then being alittle soggy it was awesome!!!
user vote
16 Mai 13 vom Mitglied: Autumnhollis
I'm so glad I saw this recipe. I can't wait to try it. I will use egg beaters (to save the calories) and fresh spinach (since I always have fresh spinach). For weeks now (since I began my weight loss quest), I have a spinach and feta egg beaters omelet almost every morning for breakfast. It really helps me eat less through the day. I think this will do the same thing and that a piece of this spinach pie will save me from myself on those days when I need to leave for work quickly. Thanks.
user vote
03 Nov 12 vom Mitglied: sw21204
I made this several weeks ago and loved it. I make this twice a week just for me and i have shared this with several friends. thanks!!!!!
user vote
24 Mrz 12 vom Mitglied: Regina R
Wonderful Recipe. I did modify it, and create a new blend of the original recipe, to cut the carbs even further, by not using fat free cheese, or cottage cheese. It was wonderful Only 122 calories per serving, and My hubby would have it nightly if I allowed. Thank you for sharing.
user vote
27 Sep 11 vom Mitglied: jpeachy
This looks interesting, but I'll have to switch ricotta, for the cottage cheese, and real cheddar for the low fat cheddar cheese.
user vote
30 Aug 11 vom Mitglied: ShyGuy
Super delicious way to eat your spinach. I made mine with fresh spinach (wilted it first by steaming) and threw in some Jimmy Dean Turkey Sausage Crumbles. It was so good I could have devoured the whole pie. Very satisfying!
user vote
07 Jun 11 vom Mitglied: Mom2Boxers
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Es sind 76 Kalorien in 1 Portion Spinach Pie.
Kalorien Analyse: 27% fett, 21% kohlh, 52% eiw.

pro portion
pro portion
319 kJ
76 kcal
Gesättigte Fette
Einfach ungesättigte Fette
Mehrfach ungesättigte Fette
vom ETB*
(76 kal)
4% ETB
Kalorien Analyse:
Kohlenhydrate (21%)
Fett (27%)
Eiweiß (52%)
*Basierend auf einem ETB von 2000 Kalorien

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