jsfantome's Notizen, 23 Apr 12

This journal entry has been a LONG time coming. Something I have been thinking about a LOT over the last six months or longer, but didn’t want to ‘discourage’ anyone…so I kept it to myself. Well, now seems the right time ‘for me’…to begin to deal with my ‘stuff’.

The desire to get to my goals – well, it drove the engine – it was the fuel that propelled me – daily. And I did it! I reached my goals on Oct 30, 2010. By one year later, I was up by roughly 10 lbs. What a disappointing and exhausting year… of trying to counteract whatever the heck was going on. I couldn’t stop the runaway train no matter what I tried.

I would go up, down, and around in circles…but in the end it eventually kept going in the wrong direction.

I honestly feel the ‘desire’ to reach my goals… had escaped like helium does from a filled balloon. By the time I got to the Fall of last year I was depleated, frustrated, and felt largely defeated. I recognized it, but didn’t have the faintest idea of what to do about it.

I was self-sabotaging – falling back into ‘old habits’ – well, not the same ‘old habits’ but similar ones.

I was overeating…not yummy carb filled comfort foods like before, but still, I was overeating the foods that I had adapted to eating on a daily basis.

I was getting tired of exercising. Tired of the daily ‘grind’ of heading to the gym…and feeling each time I stepped on the scale (and it went up, or stayed the same) that the ‘payoff’ just wasn’t worth it.

I have spent the better part of the last four years of my life – focused on learning. Learning how to lose. How to maintain. How to get back into shape. Etc. I have had my ups and downs, my successes and failures – and FINALLY – have reached the point in my life, where I just want this madness to stop. For my own mental health, for my own emotional health – I realized while doing my Tues night classes, that I have put off, set aside, and back-burnered some of my ‘other’ life goals… to work on this one.

I am content to accept myself as I am. Willing to define my own success as ‘short of’ my stated goals here on this site. If I never reach 135, or 140 and level off there… oh, well.

I am happy where I am. Happy w/ my family and my life. But I was lingering in the land of ‘unhappy’ – because it felt so ‘defeating’ to not have reached my goals and stayed there.

I have started Groups, Challenges, Friendships, Journals, Forum Posts and all that stuff… and absolutely none of it has impacted me more – than just having this one place everyday to come to. Whether it was to reach out to a new person, or to try to lift up and old friend – it gave me the opportunity to place VALUE on myself, my efforts, and the efforts of those here as well.

I sometimes think about taking a break, or leaving the site all together – because I don’t feel like with everything else in my life, I can keep up very well. I have missed soooo many journals, and people’s lives just keep on going…whether I can pause my life long enough to show them I care. I do care. I just wish I could be here a little more often, than I have lately.

But this is my accountability moment of my day. The time when I take a few minutes to touch base w/ myself and be sure I am not spiraling out of control. I don’t always step on the scale everyday. I am far more a ‘people-person’…than a scale person. So it’s easier for me to interact here, to deal w/ my issues w/ friends… There’s nobody in my bathroom giving me a pep talk w/ that scale goes back up in the wrong direction.

I just want to say that the 5-10lbs I struggle with are every bit as frustrating and hard, as the 95 lbs you struggle with! (or whatever amount.) That’s why I have made the personal journey to stop struggling. To let it go. To accept that I am WAAAAYYYY better off where I am, then where I came from. I may never know why…what once worked, doesn’t seem to work anymore. I may never know why some people can…but my body doesn’t seem to be the same. I may never know why it all started to go in the other direction… but I do know… I could make myself insane if I continue to focus on it.

So, I am just going to take a deep breath, and linger here… I’m going to learn, just like I did in the beginning, how to LOVE MYSELF – somehow, I instinctly know … this is key.

I think you are there, you have reached your goal! It sounds like you realize this also. I know i will never be my dream weight again, but if I get within 10lbs I am going to really happy and in a better place. Some of the questions you had and delt with in this entry are some that I fear and wonder how I am going to deal with when the come up for me. What is going to happen in 6 months? 1 year? 5 years? Will I be able to maintain? How will I maintain? Will I eat fried food ever again??? LOL. I am very happy to read your post and see that you have found yourself and realize it. Thanks for sharing and never forget to look how far you have come. 
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: Soulnoid
Hallelujah Paula. I have watched you struggle with that last 10 lb and wondered why you put yourself through so much. I know its hard to admit 'defeat' but I don't look at it like that, I look at it that your body has found its happy place, its setpoint if you will. You look fabulous! You have a great life, albeit stressful, and a husband who thinks you look wonderful no matter what you weigh. congratulations on being at goal. Now the fun of maintenance but I think you already got that cracked. I'm so happy for you and hope you have a great day. I always love to read your journals, almost always something new or upbeat. Thank you for caring enough to come here every day.  
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: sarahsmum
I am sure you know as we age we gain some wt that we didnt ask for and it isnt going to go anywhere no matter what we do. The middle age spread and then unfortunately for us women comes peripause/menopause and I am told thats when the real challenge hits us. I know this sounds like a downer but this is when we must realize it is what it is and love ourselves no matter what. This is when we need to know in our hearts without a seconds thought health is everything and not weight. You have done lots of work to become healthy and if you didnt have a pesky scale to worry about Paula I wonder how do you feel physically? You seem to be a happy, positive and giving person, shouldnt that be enough. I hope you find your peace. Thank you for sharing your thoughts so openly.  
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: petuniak
I am pleased that you have finally decided, enough is enough. I must stop this struggle and just love myself. You look fabulous... And I am sure I am not the only one, who has wondered why you were putting yourself through this "all consuming struggle", when you were already at a pretty good place. I guess it is the "achieving goal" thing.... Which is why I haven't adjusted my goal - to be 100% bang on healthy, I need to loose 8-9 pounds - but what the heck.... Life's too short... Have other things to focus on and... It's about health and happiness... I wish you luck, and hope you are not going to desert us, as you have been an inspiration :-) 
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: Sk1nnyfuture
That sounds perfect JsFantome. I think Soulnoid hit it on the nail...you ARE there. So be proud of all the things you HAVE accomplished. Be proud of how you have positively influenced us. We do not look at the number on your scale but at the words of wisdom you share. You have so much knowledge on this fitness journey that I don't think you even realize. In my opinion we reach our goal when we are healthy-spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. I think you have reached your goal. And I am so happy that you found peace with your journey. Thank you for sharing your "Aha" moment with us. We fully support you and want to share in your victory. Happy Dance =) 
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: M.Trublu
hey, thanks so much friends! thanks for understanding and the support! it's sometimes hard to put it in words...but I do think it's related to not wanting to come across sounding like a 'hypocrite'. Like everyone else should 'do what I say'...and my own body won't do what I say!!! ;) Something like that...anyway...happy to feel like I'm climbing out of a year long experiment, and it's over. I am happily in maintenance, a low carb lover, and ready to enjoy the next few BUSY MONTHS of my life!!! thanks again. Much Love. 
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: jsfantome
You are in a good place mentally when you can accept you. Really Paula, it is so frustrating to watch you wrestle with those same 5 - 10 pounds. Wishing you could meet the Paula that so many of your buddies know.  
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: BuffyBear
I'm just starting to see that, Buffy! ;) It's been hard. I won't lie. I don't like giving up. And it kinda felt that way for a long time...like I would be giving up on myself. And my goals. But one can only hit their head on the pavement for so long. Time to keep my eyes on loving myself, accepting myself... it is what it is... and I am in a far better place about me NOW, than at any other time in my life. So, I am learning... to accept me, my body, my weight, my faults, my good stuff... and love myself. (it's about time! huh?) 
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: jsfantome
Yep! And what you don't see is that a lot of us would love to have your "flaws".  
23 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: BuffyBear
Paula, congratulations! That Maintenance door has been open for you for awhile now and it's good to see you step through. Any goal weight is just a number....when we're at our highest weight, we pick a number. There's nothing magical about "that" number versus any other number close to it. You just needed to work through all this and find the self-confidence (yes, even YOU needed some more of that...!) to stake your claim that you have done an immense amount of hard work and are perfectly fine and healthy where you are! Congratulations!  
24 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: Sandy701
Paula, I am so glad to read this journal entry. You have been fighting a battle, that in my opinion, was already won for such a long time. Your weight is at a great level. Congratulations and welcome to maintenance. I am looking forward to getting there and hope when I do, I have the perseverance that you have had! Love and lots of hugs, my dear friend!!! Have fun! 
24 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: ctlss
thanks, Sandy and Stef - it's rather odd how just a 'mindshift' can make such a huge difference in your daily attitude and life! The mental attitude of maintenance is about liking yourself. (sadly, something I have always struggled with). But I am learning! ;) And day by day - I am starting to see that I have managed to keep the weight off, and i am happy with where I am...and how I feel. And that's most important to me. Not a number anymore. So, yeah...Welcome ME to Maintenance land...again! ;) 
24 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: jsfantome
Yay for this journal entry. And for being YOU, just as you are! You are at a great place and your body is happy there, so it's great you are accepting it! We are all happy for you :))))  
25 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: Owsley
Sorry I'm a little late on congratulating you on this. Like everyone else I didn't understand why you stressed so much for those last few lbs. I'm not where you are and as someone else said, I would love to be. It has taken me a long time to realize that the scale is just a number and it really holds no value other than a "check" for me. The most important thing is how you feel about you. Time to enjoy your life. 
25 Apr 12 vom Mitglied: davidsmom


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