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13 April 2014

Report it, and move on. Disappointing. This is the first time in my life I've ever weighed once a week, vs 300 times a day. I'm going back to daily weigh-ins, I think, that way I won't get another big week-long disappointment. And to be honest, I didn't exercise really, in the past 3 days. I did much better with sugar, but was slug-like... hiding... I tried to sleep the week away, tried to zone out on internet and my mp3 player, avoiding food and life.

My friend, Karen, texted me to go bike-riding yesterday, I turned her down. Why? I was literally sitting on the couch!! On that glorious sunshining day! I did spend a couple hours outside, doing some yard work, but also just sitting with the horse while she grazed in the new grass.. that part was lovely... I'm going to move more this week, and say YES to my friends! I'm going to the park today with the dogs, see some different sights, shake it off...keep moving. Quit fixating on a number, that's not my life, that stoooopid number. I also need to address the number of hours I spend on the computer. I use the excuse that I have to get online 14,000 times a day, to log my food, every time I stuff a triscuit in my face, I have to log in?! No. Just NO.

I'm getting out the spiral cutter and keeping it on the counter, right where the cookie jar USED to be... I forget to use it! Found a really cool site with great spiralizing recipes so I can get beyond my little zucchini-noodle-pasta-fakeout thing. there's more to spiralizing than fake pasta! Who knew?! Here's the recipe site, "Inspiralized!": and here's the spiral cutter I'm using, I love it, it's simple, and kinda fun:

Gewicht: Bisher verloren: Still to go: Diät befolgt:
54,0 kg 0,5 kg 3,2 kg Recht gut
   Kommentar hinzufügen Zunahme von 0,2 kg pro Woche

12 April 2014

12 April 2014

change the beta fish water today, reminderrrrrrr

spoke too soon about the hypnosis downloads, gotta keep trying... another semi-ridiculous day of too much sugar, too many mindless trips to the kitchen munchie bar--- candy dishes filled with granola, sunflower seeds, craisins, peanut butter crackers, fig newtons, butterscotch discs, yogurt pretzels, marshmallow peeps, what else... well, there's fruit too, but the point is I graze... oh yesterday with the sweetpotato chips, sigh... and these yo-yo days, good day, bad day, good day, bad day... this is how I judge my days, by how much sugar and salt I stuffed into my face. hello, self, wake up, that's not the measure of my life.

Had laughs and discussion with the boy last night, he showed me a youtube about the boundary lines of various countries in the world, and enclaves and exclaves, and how complicated it gets sometimes, like in Belgium and Netherlands, there are places where the street has a dividing line down the middle, one side is Belgium, the other is the Netherlands, or houses can be divided, and the only way to decide which country you live in is by which side your front door is located in! But this is how my son spends his time, filling his brain with nerdy geo-political videos. Love that kid.

sleep was good last night, but had bed to myself as Hubs is on fishing trip. dogs slept with me, but we had room. Early day today, son has track meet, it's supposed to be beautiful and warm, gotta get out and get the gardens cleaned up a bit, they look like trash! Gotta return Aunt Judy's call, I know it's about Easter... why do I procrastinate on the holidays... they're so hard, family functions are just hard, and there's no reason they should be. My parents come out, my sister and her kids stay here for a few days too, the house is full and noisy, getting everyone dressed and pressed for church.. that's true, but we laugh a lot... and I eat a lot... I'll just have to plan plenty of activities, the gym, the park, keep everyone moving, keep my face outta the candy dish..

Speaking of candy, went to Anderson's yesterday, to pick up mom's chocolate crosses to Easter, spend $115 and got one TINY box of overpriced but delicious homemade milk chocolate. the crosses are shrinking, but the price is growing, like everything else. I'm cynical today. Gotta shake it. I want another good day. I want to collapse at the end of the day and feel SPENT and fantastic and accomplished.

11 April 2014

Day Two with the hypnosis downloads, working on sugar addiction and emotional eating.. too soon to judge of course, but yesterday was really good. I didn't struggle with sugar at all, and believe me, I live in a candy-coated world, with sugar-fiend kids in the house. Made energy balls for the kids, with the peanut butter, honey, flax, oats, and white chocolate and butterscotch chips, and didn't eat not ONE TINY SCRAP of it while I was rolling them! Unbelievable, really...not my usual M.O. I ate a small one later in the day, but that was about it for the sugar. The rest was fruit n veg, and a little bit of barbeque ribs for dinner. Need more protein though.

Hubs has been sidelined from the treadmill by his doctor, until he gets the inner ear and dizziness figured out. I asked him to take his shirt off last night, he's been really strange about keeping 2 and 3 shirts on at all times, he even wears layers to the gym when he runs for an hour on the treadmill. He says his pecs are flabby. Two summers ago, we took a picture at Erie, he had his arms around me, and no shirt on, we were bike-riding the peninsula, and his arms kinda smushed his pecs up. He hates that picture, but I love it, we look happy in the sunshine. Really hard for me to understand his little fixation with getting back to his highschool weight. I try to tell him he's a man now, he was a boy then. Men need a little weight on them. Women too, if I tried to get to my highschool weight now, at 50, I would look like a scarecrow, because weight tends to melt off your face too, not pretty...

anyways, so he looks fantastic without his shirt on, and I can't convince him of that. He keeps poking his stomach, which also looks fantastic! I'm just gonna keep telling him, and hope it sinks in.

Drank too much coffee yesterday, ran around like a chicken without a head all day, but a very organized purposeful headless chicken, getting stuff done, tying up loose ends, making lists, checking things off, getting everyone where they needed to go, decorating for easter, answering emails, paying bills, cooking and cleaning and organizing, packed his bag for his fishing trip this weekend, found everything on my list except his muck-boots, tried to hypnotize myself into remembering where they were, but it didn't work, boooooo....

Puppies are snuggled next to me, the house is still quiet,but about to stir, kids will be getting up for school,.. time to make the turkey sandwiches... I feel like the donut guy, timmmmme to maaaaake the doooonuts.... but I actually love the routine of my life right now..

09 April 2014

Yesterday was a much improved day, talked things out with Hubs, much less stress in the house, better energy. Daughter didn't feel like going to the gym, so I did 20 min of turbulence videos. Meant to take the horse and dogs out walking, but didn't, it was beautiful out too!! Missed opportunity! But I got involved in ordering some hypnosis downloads, which were about 1/2 hour each. I'm working on "lose your sweet tooth" and "emotional eating".

I can't speak highly enough of these downloads, they helped me get through recovery from alcohol and a 30 year eating disorder, 5 years ago. That, and the mindfulness/meditation training. I went back to the same source for the hypnosis, Mark Tyrrell Uncommon Knowledge, they're just so professional, high quality audio, and they get into the psychology behind everything.. It's the most relaxing thing too, when I finish one of them, I feel like I'm floating, I have no...mass? I've never ever ever been that relaxed. Wondering if I can get Hubs to try one, for his work stress... I'll bet he will, he's much more open to new things lately.. the whole family is. I think we're growing.

Also, I slept in bed last night. But Hubs brought the dogs in! I turned around and put my pillows down at the foot of the bed, so he could have more shoulder room up top, and the dogs weren't nearly as... stretchy and pokey last night. Slept good! Weird, but good lol!

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