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17 April 2011

Another milestone today ! I HAVE FINISHED MY FIRST EVER 10KM RACE !!

It was not easy to be honest, the first 5km was not too bad then around 7km i felt tired and the sun was mercilessly hot. 8.5km people started giving up/throwing up/fainting. 8.5km i was so exhausted, hit the proverbial wall...but then i figured i made it so damn far i was not going to give up. My mind somehow transformed the race into a metaphor of my life. Am i always going to quit after going most of the distance and then giving up with the end in sight when it got too hard ? NO ! I decided i would get across the finish line even if i had to crawl like a worm to get there. I made it. It might not mean much to most people, a lot of people completed in half the time it took me to do it but going from being classified as morbidly obese to running a 10km marathon... I never thought i could do it.

Which leads me to the point of the day...


And guess what...when you destroy your perceived boundaries you realize your potential is limitless...

07 April 2011

Today is a very significant day.

In October 2010 i started out at 125 kgs/275.6lbs. I need to lose 60kgs/132lbs to get to my ideal weight of 65kgs/143 lbs. Thats is about near half my body weight that i need to lose.


I have lost a total of 30.5kgs/67lbs.


I am so proud of myself for making it this far. This is the most weight i have ever lost in my life. I have gone half the distance and i see the end in sight, I WILL FINISH. Everyday i see my dream, its clearer and clearer and closer then its ever been before. It tastes and feels better then any food on the planet. I am no longer controlled by my appetite and my hunger for food. My only yearning is to reach my goal because nothing is going to taste as fantastic as being a healthy weight for the first time in my life.

I am gathering my energy for the second half ... i will see you all at the finish line :)

05 April 2011

25 März 2011

Today i cooked. I am not a cook, i mean i can boil water, fry eggs, make instant noodles and basic salads. I have never handled meat. My family mostly consists of vegetarians and meat is usually not prepared at home. Which effectively means that i never got to handle raw meat before.

Recently joined a challenge on here which specified no eating out as a cardinal rule. I managed to stick to this by having instant foods like oat-bran, yogurt and sneakily getting friends to cook for me. Today i craved meat and i had to cook it myself. I managed to trim, season and grill chicken. Not only that i made Cauliflower mash and stir-fry spinach.

Admittedly it didn't turn out fabulous, i burnt the chicken but after some scraping it was all good. Made a major mistake with the cauliflower mash...i added in WAY too much raw garlic it made my eyes water to eat. Its all good though, i can scare people away from crowding me on public transport by turning my near lethal garlicky breath on them. The spinach ....garlic spinach can anyone mess that up you ask ? Well...i bought the wrong type of spinach, i bought chinese Kai Lan, which has a bitter taste if not steamed first before stir-frying. So the greens were bitter, the mash garlicky and the chicken burnt. BUT you know what it tasted amazing, best meal ever, probably cos it was seasoned with pride.

I am making day...i shall be like Nigella Lawson hoepfully with a smaller ass though.

Here is what it looked like
My gourmet masterpiece

24 März 2011

Sometimes i feel very demoralized. I put in a lot of effort and the results just don't seem to come fast enough. Naturally i am quite an impatient person and i like to see quick progressive result. Unfortunately its not really like that with weight loss. Its going to take months to get all this weight it awfully impatient and childish of me to want all this weight off me now ?

I feel like im waiting for life to start and life can only really start once i have lost all this weight and i have a normal body. Its taking forever to achieve this normal body and i get tired of waiting in limbo. This is usually the point in which i say screw it this is way to complicated....lets eat some huge portions of comfort food to compensate! Not this time though.

I think i am recognizing that i have some deeper issues that need to be resolved. I need to stop hating myself, i need to feel comfortable and confident in my own skin, i need to start going out and doing things regardless of how i look. Think i need to believe in myself more and not wait around to have the "perfect normal body".

I need to learn how to love myself how i am. That just might be the whole key to this weight loss journey.

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