Kedrake18's Notizen

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28 Januar 2014

Down below 300 once more!! :D Woot!! It's taken almost a week to get my weight back down! But I've done it! Still a few more pounds to go to get back to my lowest weight this month. But as long as I stay below 300 I'll be happy!!

No walking today. Too cold out. Everything is icing over out there. So so cold!!!! And wet!! Freezing rain! Sleet! Still waiting to see snow though! REally would love to see some snow flakes!

Made a big pot of chicken soup for dinner tonight. Still need to put the rice on to go with it though.

Contemplating a snack right now too. Not sure what yet though. Really wanting something sweet! O.O I do have some 100 cal weight watcher english toffee bars in the freezer. And some little packs of skinny cow carmel clusters. Really want cake though... with a big mug of coffee or hot tea.

Still have to do 50 squats today and some planks as well. Just have been busy with my daughter, and visiting my neighbor and her kids. The schools are closed here today and tomorrow because of the weather.

And I agreed to foster a rescued female boston terrier for a few weeks. I love boston terriers, and this one is in need of a place to say. temporarily and forever. I just hope I don't get too attached and end up keeping her. -__- She is apparently a little bossy towards other dogs. She weighs about 15 lbs. And she has some potty training issues. So I can only have her out and about in the house if I'm in the same room with her. She's in heat currently. And she is due to be spayed on the 5th. And goes to an adoption event on the 15th to possibly find a home. :) I really do enjoy my pets, and I fall for animals easily. But I'm suppose to be getting a puppy in March. A boston terrier puppy. I'm going to meet them around the 6-10th of february. Two little girls from the same litter. I have a favorite based off the pictures. But I want to meet them and get a feel for their personalities.

Anywho. I think I'm going to start some rice and maybe hop in the bath while Jules is visiting the neighbors and it's all quiet. My hands are freezing!! And also still need that snack....something in the 200 range would be okay I think... yeah... yeah. Just need to figure out what! XD lol.

That's pretty much it for today. :)

27 Januar 2014

26 Januar 2014

Still dropping the 'pizza' weight from Thursday night. I walked 2 miles yesterday, brings my total up to 6 miles for the week. However around 1.6miles I thought my calf was cramping up and I was having some pain near my ankle. I now think it's my Achilles tendon on my left leg/foot. Then I hobbled the last .4 miles home on my walk, then worked on it for 7hrs last night. I was taking it as easy as I could.

Had a hot bath last night and that helped too. Also taking ibprofen for it. But it's pretty sore today. It hurts enough that I'm walking a little funny trying not to put too much pressure on it. So I don't know if I'll get my full 7 miles this week or not. I'm hoping it feels tons better tomorrow. Enough that I can do a Very slow walk around the block.

I work from 12-9 tonight, so it will be a long shift on my hopefully I don't hurt myself anymore. -__- But I have Monday and Tuesday off. So if I need to take it easy I can those days. Pretty much just folding laundry and light housework monday.

I also want to buy 1-2 new pairs of jogging/workout pants those days. And spend some time with my daughter. :) Go to park or something. But I've heard we're suppose to have Snow on Tuesday!! Soooo yeah. Maybe no park. But Chick-fil-a is always an indoor option.

Plans for the day:
heat up lunch/pack dinner
Take it easy on my leg/foot.
Get through 1 more night of work without hurting myself more.

25 Januar 2014

Down a pound. Slowly working my pizza night off. So much water drank yesterday!! And sooo many potty breaks! lol. My sinuses are running riot as well. And my nose won't stop draining. So I've sudafeded up today. I go to work at Noon, so once I'm done blogging here, I'm going to locate an open gym and get a walk on the tredmill. The base gym doesn't open til 10:30 which would only give me an hour to exercise, shower, eat lunch, pack dinner and get to work. I don't see that happening. I think this battle of the sinuses is going to make me retain fluid too. And I can tell my energy has taken a hit. I just feel tired. I'm still perky, but I can't shake the tiredness.

Had an interesting closing last night. 210 dollars is missing. I couldn't find it anywhere. And it's out of another assistant manager's till drawer... I did the math. I counted. Looked everywhere for it. And everything says their is 210 missing. My manager should be at the store this morning. So I hope they get it figured out. But that's a lot of money to go missing. And an immediate termination for the girl who's till was short if it's not found. I've been worrying about since I saw everything was short yesterday afternoon.

Plans for the day:
Walk at least a mile.
Lunch/ pack dinner
Go to work.
Come home and pass out!

I hope everyone is having a Great Weekend!

24 Januar 2014

Way up today! Which is what happens when you have a binge. Instead of making chicken soup last night (I ran out of time) I picked up pizza on the way home. I woke up not feeling good yesterday and it got worse as the day went on. I just felt very tired, my sinuses were drippy drainy. And I have a mild ache all over. Also took my daughter to get pictures done at 5pm. So that cut into my cooking schedule. And i had been craving carbs all day. So I'm going to get some cooking in this morning. Going to make some Chicken soup up on the stove, and bake porkchops today if I can fit it in. At least get the soup done, and have the pork chops preped for the oven. A man can at least pre-heat the oven and leave meat in it til it's done right?? lol.

I'm also super thirsty this morning. I'm guessing from all the salt I had last night. And I can feel my body holding extra water in my hands and feet. ugh. Not having take out for a loooong time. Would have been better off to just call home and see if Chris could make us all pot pies. Cheaper too. Oh well. Going to guzzle as much water as possible today. And get a walk in. I didn't even go walking yesterday. I felt so yuck. And I was craving carbs. Even after steak and potatoes for lunch. I was still wanting carbs. Bread, more potatoes, chips, pizza! And My lunch really filled me up! I had issues finishing it. But my body was still wanting the carbs. One day won't hurt me in the long run. I also like to listen to my body, so if it wanted carbs that desparately. The carbs it got. I usually don't crave something like that when I'm going strong with my diet. My snacks and meals always leave me feeling full and never like I'm missing anything. Occasionally I have a craving for chocolate. But I put it off, until after I have something that's planned and try to put it from my mind. On days it doesn't work, I have some kind of low calorie chocolate. Like skinny cow, or something. :)

Plans for today:

Grocery shopping!! Mainly meat, chicken, ground turkey, steak strips, etc.
Laundry for work.
Walk a mile!
Stick with my meal plan today!
Drink tons of water and green tea to flush out salt
Go to work.
Sleep like a rock.

That's all for today.

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