Kedrake18's Notizen

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23 Januar 2014

Up a half pound today. With such a big loss over the last three days I fully expect to linger around my current weight for a few days before seeing it drop again.

My sinuses are all jacked up today. Woke up with my head hurting and just kinda most of my face with my daughter babbling at about cereal and such. Reeeeally didn't want to get out of bed today. So I'm taking some mucinex fast max to help with it all this morning.

Walked 2 miles yesterday. I had planned only to walk one, but I was like oh that didn't take long, I have time to walk more. So I did a 2nd one! lol. I have to say 3 weeks ago walking one mile now feels like today walking 3 miles. I can tell my body is getting more and more accustomed to it. And to work.

I recovered most of the store last night. Recovery is where you go down the isles and pull the products on the shelf forward and make them look pretty and full again. Also finding random things around the store and putting them back where they belong. Also for some reason, many women actually open deodorant at the store, rub some on then leave it lying somewhere. -__- I've found 6-7 open 'rubbed' ones around the store. I coupon and get the stuff for free or nearly free. Getting it for 50-60 cents is pretty easy. I just don't understand it. lol.

Back to recovery... I do lots and lots and lots of squats. then extend my arms forward, grab 2 of whatever, pull my arms back, adjust labels so they face outward, and repeat. Up down, reach, pull, side step, repeat. Can goods and shampoo give me the best workout, they weigh more! lol. But I can really feel it in my thighs the next day. :) Getting paid to work out is a Wonderful thing.

Plans for the day:

Take Jules to school
Wash dishes
Fold towels and put away.
Drag my friend/neighbor out for lunch (She's been a bit down in the dumps)
Go for a walk (2-3 miles)
Pick up my new coffee table!
Some kind of upper body workout!
Pick Jules up!
Maybe go by the store and get more of that coffee that's on sale.

Oh!! Get passport picture taken
Apply for passport

:) Thanks for reading! I hope you have a good one!

22 Januar 2014

Well I made my goal for the month!! Faster than I thought too. Blew past 300 this morning and was 297 even! Holy Cow!! 6.5lbs dropped in the last 2 days. Crazy. Just Crazy. And I'm fully hydrated too!! I ended up walking 2 miles yesterday mid afternoon. Just felt like it. Had 3 brief jogs in there too. The 3rd jog I went farther than I've been going!! And I only had 2.5 hours of sleep. Slept great last night, but still a little tired. I think it might take another day or so before I fully catch up on sleep. Oh well. When life demands you stay up late, you just have to catch up on it later! :P

My husband has started tracking his food on FS now. And he pointed out to me that I had been entering my chicken breast wrong! I've been putting it in as boneless chicken breast and my ounces....well it's really boneless Skinless chicken breast. Which does make a caloric difference, and a difference in the amount of fat I get a day! :D So Big Thank you to my Hubby for pointing that out! lol. I changed up my dinner last night, last minute too. Swapped steak for Chicken, rice, and sauteed onions and carrots with a 1/2 serving of shredded Italian cheeses. It's one of my favorite things. I thought about throwing some peas in there too. But was hungery and ready to eat, and didn't feel like it! lol.

Had a Non-scale victory yesterday! Put on my favorite dark wash jeans that have been perfectly snug in the thigh area and my hips, and the darn things were Baggy!! BAGGY!! Woot! lol. Also I bought this pink, partially sheer neon pink animal print tank top to wear over other tank tops at the end of last summer, I think I paid a dollar for it on clearance. And it has always been a little tighter than I deem looks good, well I saw it yesterday while I was getting ready for my walk, and I was like 'well just for shits and giggles' Because I'm not really a neon pink animal print kinda person. lol. I love color, but it's not something I regularly wear. I put it on and looked in the mirror and had the 'well i'll be durned' moment. The thing fit!! ^_^ I didn't wear it out the house for my walk, but I will after friday!! :D Getting some new workout pants. All my current ones that fit are from 2010 and showing their age. Still wonderfully soft and comfortable, but faded and old. I'm ready for another pair or two. So Big city shopping on my day off after Friday!

We're getting a new Bigger lovely but used coffee table either Thursday morning or Friday morning. Just depends on when the plumber comes and how long he stays on Thursday! Getting the leaky faucet fixed!! Can't wait! Almost one week with it will be enough! Drip drip drip drip. Constantly. Day and night. Yup I've had it with it. And it's the hot water! So it's effecting my water bill and electric bill all at once. -__-

I work today. Off tomorrow, work Friday. So I should see my manager and find out how bad I messed up at work the other night. I'm hoping I've just been worrying for nothing. I'm a big worrier. But I did the best I could with closing. And counted everything the way I was taught. So I'm hoping the money missing from the change fund ended up in the deposit. I know it was somewhere between my manager draw and the change fund that things went wrong. But yeah. Anywho.

Plans for today:

Get dressed, get daughter dressed
Drop Jules at School

21 Januar 2014

Missed checking in yesterday. I was just super busy. And since I posted late the night before with my plans for yesterday I didn't feel it overly nessessary to check in. Also my weight was the same Sunday and monday. So no change there. Today I'm down 3lbs.

Ended up staying up til 7am this morning before going to bed. I was cleaning. And Christmas came all the way down!!!!!! Been trying to get it done for weeks now, but juggling that and work and exercise wasn't working out. And I have a plumber coming this week and really just wanted it down and the house looking fresh and lovely.

My sister called me and woke me up at 9:30 this morning to let me know it's official! We're going to Canada in April!! :D And I have to go get my passport stuff taken care of today.... so bags under my eyes for my passport picture! lovely! lol. Might be able to give it a boost with makeup though! ugh. Need a shower. And I'm so taking one in my freshly bleached bathroom once I'm done journaling here.

My Hubby dropped Jules off at Daycare this morning on his way to work. She woke up about 5am!! So she should want to pass out early on. Going to try and get her into bed right at dark thrity tonight. Left overs for dinner. We have steak, sausage, chicken all in the fridge. And I'll just make some veggies, and cheese, bread to go with it. I kinda want to make a pizza with some of the chicken, and garlic, onions, a little bell pepper. Definately what I'm doing today. Might throw on a 2-3 turkey pepperoni finely diced for a little more flavor.

Plans for today:

Shower. Probably going to be the best shower ever.
Take a Nap. A long one.
Mop kitchen floor.
Unload dishwasher.
Tidy up my office area. It's visible from the living room and such.
Sweep and mop my office area.
Buy some big plastic storage containers for some of my Christmas stuff.
Take passport photo
Apply for passport
Sweep and mop laundry room.
Wipe little fingerprints from the doors and door ways...

OH!! I almost forgot!! I re-activated my bodymedia fit 2 days ago! I kept meaning to post it in my journal but kept forgetting! lol. After seeing everyone posting about their weightloss/calories burned tech. I figured I would get mine going again. According to my body media fit, I have about 1000 calorie a day deficit. And I never feel hungry really. And only get tired after working a 7hr shift on my feet. If I feel hungry. I eat. Simple. But I make the calories count. Whole grains, high protien. Fresh fruit. Veggies! I haven't slept as good as I'm sleeping now in awhile. :) Lovely deep dream cyles! And I just feel GREAT!! Though I am very tired today! lol But only because I stayed up all night cleaning. I'll make up for sleep today.

I also got off track with my eating yesterday. I didn't have my snacks. But I ate All of my t-bone at dinner and had a piece of sausage (roughly 3/4-1 serving) And my medium sized potato. Plus a lot of coffee. :) Also had some water with some mio energy squirted in it.

Today I'm going to eat well. Get plenty of protein and rest the best I can while still getting things done.

Well that's my news for today. If any of you have some extra energy, please send it my way!!

19 Januar 2014

OOOOOOOoh boy what a day!! Down a half pound in the Am. Then I wanted to make sure I did everything I needed to when I closed by myself last night, so I tried calling the store. No answer. I didn't know if I had the manager working morning shift's store keys or not, sooo I drove down there. And our store was super low on 5's and 1's in the change fund. So I went and pulled 200.00 from my account, went to walmart and got some 5's and 1's from them and took them back to the store and excanged them for a 100 and some 20's in the change fund. So my manager was really happy about that. Then I forgot I was suppose to go in early today...and showed up an hour late for work. XD So it kinda balanced out. My manager wasn't too upset with me. Oh well. lol. Then paperwork was rough tonight. The change fund was 13.00 short. And my manager's til was 10 short. So that's 23.00 missing...but I think it might be in the deposit. :/ So maybe morning shift and figure it out. My manager will be on duty then. I'll probably stop by in the morning to see what's going on. I also left my water bottle down there and I brought home a box cutter, so I need to take that back.

I didn't get to sit down and have a planned lunch. So I ate a special k meal replacement bar on the way to work real quick. Then my hubby packed me some dinner and brought it to me. He forgot some fruit, and we're out of my potato and green bean steamers. :( So i got corn. lol. I ate a packet of skinny cow candy i had in my 'extra just in case snack pouch' on my lunchbox, and a special k cereal bar too to up my calories. And I still get to have some icecream tonight.

My sinuses are bothering me tonight, I have a little nasal drip going, and my throat is a little sore. I'm guessing from the weather that blew through last night/ this morning. The thunder was so loud it sounded like cannons going off!!! Fit in perfect with my dreams of pirates! XD lol. I didn't know I wasn't dreaming til my daughter came and climbed in bed with me because she was scared.

Anywho not much got done today, pretty much worked all day. I'm off for the next 2 days. So I'm going to enjoy it. Jules will still have daycare tomorrow from 6:15-6pm. But I'll probably drop her off about 7-8ish. Then I'll have a lovely big workout!! If the weather is nice then I'll walk 2-3 miles outside, then I think I'll still go to the gym for some upper body workout. Or do my kick boxing video!! :D Also need to hit the store for more steamer veggies and some fruit. I want some more strawberries. Maybe some frozen berries to mix with my greek yogurt. Mmmm soooothies! :D

That's it for tonight folks, I'm so tired and wore down. Just ready for bed. good night. :)

18 Januar 2014

Movin on down!! 304! With luck and will power, I'll see the 200's this next week!! That makes 25.5lbs so far this month!! Really going to try for 30lbs even this month! Next month I'll target maybe 10-15lbs. But if it goes anything like last time, the 2 month I lost about 7-8lbs only. Then had a 14lb total loss the 3rd month! Just have to keep rockin it!

I got my 7 miles in already this week. And I can feel it in my shin bones today. I had planned to go walking again today. But there is cleaning to do, and I need to take Jules to get some princess sofia panties. Her reward for no accidents the last 3 days of daycare this week.

I also go to work at 3 today. If I can get a little yoga in that would be great! Any maybe work with my 5lb weights some. Though last night I worked with some 2-10lb boxes at work!! Stocked shampoo and condition, lotion, and other health and beauty products. Really need to get some new thicker cushy socks though, I keep forgetting when I'm at the store. lol And my feet keep reminding me about 5hrs into my shift.

We'll have a plumber out to our house next week too. The hot water knob in the bath tub isn't working right, and there is a constant leak. Happened yesterday when I took a shower. So I'll be letting the landlord know of tuesday. about it I know his office will be closed monday because it's a holiday.

Jules will have daycare on Monday still, so I will be getting in a good sweat on that day! Going to make it a Gym day and do some miles on the treadmill, and some of the upper body weight machines. I mett a couple at the gym when I went yesterday, A little older than me, but the wife is wanting to lose 70ish lbs. She weighs about 50 less than I do. And we hit it off. They just moved to this area from Lousiana, so I think I'll give her a call this weekend and see if she wants to go to the gym with me Monday, that is if my Hubby doesn't want to go with me. Either way I'll get my sweat on! Woot!

On that note. The base gym wasn't that bad. It was a little busy, there were quite a few muscle bound macho men in there, but there were some women as well, at various ages. And everyone seemed focused on their own exercise. it wasn't overly friendly place, but it will do. And all the tvs were on News. -___- At least I had my mp3 player. And it was HOT in there. I'd say the thermostat was at 70-75. But I think that helped me sweat more. I think I enjoy walking outdoors more than the treadmill. However I like how the treadmill keeps me going the same speed and not slowing down when my body feels like slowing down. So it's a compromise. I'll walk outside on the nice days, and on the hot/humid, rainy, nasty ones I'll walk on the treadmill at the gym. And make use of their lovely variety of machines.

Plans for today:

Walmart for princess sofia panties and cushy socks.

Get the public rooms of the house 100% clean for the plumber coming (this will take up the next 3 days. Laundry is my focus today, and Dishes/kitchen.

Some kinda low intensity workout/yoga. I'll play it by ear.

Pack snacks/dinner for work.

Enjoy the sunshine, and smile. ^_^

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