Kedrake18's Notizen

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12 Januar 2014

So the scale thinks it's a slide!!! :D lol. A very long one apparently!! I started at the top and I can still feel the wind in my hair with how fast it's going!! ^_^ I would have popped on earlier, but I got up, had breakfast and have been going since. I've cleeeeeeaned all day. Also took a bit, to fire the grill up, grease up the grates and season them. We got it as a Christmas present, and I'm so ready for a steak!! :D The seasoning is going well, it's been going for an hour or two now, And I have the steak in the fridge marinating. I'm not sure how my hubby's weekend has gone, but either way coming home to delicious steak, potatoes, and green beans will be Great surprise for him. :) Not to mention a clean house. I work the next 3 days, so I'm also going to do some hamburgers and stash them in the fridge for later this week for dinner at work. Had cereal with almond milk for breakfast, and baked chicken, wild rice, and veggie medley for lunch. All the windows are open in the house, and cool breeze is blowing through and it's a lovely 70, today. Sunshining, not a cloud in the sky. Couldn't ask for a more beautiful day. I'm probably going to clean for another hour- hour and a half before throwing some shoes on and going for a walk with my daughter. (she'll be riding her bike, I just hope she doesn't run me down with it. -_- lol or the dog) We'll take Mr. Elvis with us too. He loves to go on walks.

Things still to finish today:

Replace Aquarium lights, add more water to the tank since it's low
Clean the Rabbit's indoors cage(she stays in it when it's cold outside)
Take a long walk (2-4 miles is my goal)
Prep Hamburgers for the grill
Get the Kitchen to 100%
Change sheets on the beds
Finish washing all the dirty clothes/linens
Fold everything put it all way.
Wash new lunchbox out, pack lunch for tomorrow.
Make tea for the Hubby.
Clean the clutter off the metal shelf on casters in my office to use while grilling.

And today I'm very Thankful for Beautiful sunshiny days, a happy child, bleach, and just feeling wonderfully good and happy. :)

I hope Everyone is having a Super Sunday! :D

11 Januar 2014

Well....the pizza didn't bother the scale none.... lol. Down another 1.5lbs. Losing at an incredible rate!! Holy Cow!! Maybe the pizza will show up tomorrow. :) I have to go back to the commissary today, the greek yogurt I got from there was lumpy/grainy....yeah... both containers of it. Returning it and getting a different Brand!!

No walking today, it's pouring rain!! So yeah. :( Oh well. I will be doing some shopping, so I will have some walking in, and keeping my 4yr old in line the whole time, an added bonus!!

We also have a play date at Chick-fil-a around Noon, so It's about time to get Jules out of her bath and ready to go so I can get everything in today!

Oh and I've been wanting another Boston terrier to add to the family and I got in touch with two different people who have puppys that will be ready to go to their new homes in March. :) I'll be going to see the puppies in 2-3 weeks, once they're a little bigger and you can see their markings better. ^.^ My Elvis will have a new companion, and we will have a new family member! Yay! I love Bostons!! :D

That's it for this morning, talk to you all tomorrow!!

I hope everyone is having a Wonderful Weekend!! :)

P.S. Just realized I've lost 20 pounds even!! And in 9 days!! Wooooooooowsers!!!!!!!! O.O Woot!!

10 Januar 2014

Down 1/2 a pound!! :) My scale will probably be up tomorrow though. I'm having pizza for dinner......sodium... yup. But its what my daughter wanted for dinner. It's quick, easy and I'm still staying in my calorie range.

I got up at 6:30 this morning, to get everyone fed, caged, and dropped off before work and get to work at 8am sharp only to have the store manager tell me I need to be there 10 mins early! -___- could have mentioned this earlier! lol Oh well. So I'll will be showing up 15 mins early for every shift from here on out! >.< Not really upset about it, just means I get more hours and a bigger paycheck at the end of the week!!

I'm on the schedule for 37.5 hours next week. So really looking forward to that paycheck!! :D Woot! My feet and shoulders are killing me today. I'm really considering seeing a doctor about my shoulders. I just can't get rid of the tension and the knot. Hurts so much. My feet are understandable and get better with a long hot bath. But my shoulder still hurts even after 40mins with the tens unit massaging it. :(

After talking to one of my friends and looking on the great wide web, I think I might need a muscle relaxer for it to get any relief. :( I'm not much of a medication taker, so for me to think i need it, its bad. I have gotten more compliant about taking my meds over the years but not by much. lol I do remember to take vitamins every other day or so. lol. But everyday just doesn't seem to happen. lol

Plans for this weekend:

Chicken Play (Chick-fil-a) with my daughter for a playdate in spite of rainy weather!

Walmart: Still need a lunch box for next week. And maybe a new pack of cushy socks.

Starbucks: coffee for me (I got a gift card from a friend for christmas) Tall, skinny, soy.

Cleaning: Dishes, laundry, sweeping, etc. (never ends!!)

And if it stops raining, a 2-3mile walk!!

Welps, time for dinner!! So I'll talk to yall later. :)

I hope everyone is having a Fantastic Friday! :D

09 Januar 2014

Down another pound!!!! :D I think my job doubles as a major workout! lol. Or at least a very good fat burner. Today is my day off, and I've stayed busy since I got up this morning. Just now getting to weighin and journal for the day. I have 20 mins before I leave to get my daughter from school. I haven't gotten my walk in yet. But I have done 3 loads of laundry, washed the dog, and a load of dishes. Also made Steak and cheese in a torilla for lunch! I had the steak strips in the fridge already and they needed to be cooked today. So I went ahead and used them. Still making meatballs for lunch. Then I should have enough leftovers to carry into the weekend.

I work Friday but have Saturday and Sunday off. So steak and meatballs the next 2 days will be lovely. I go in at 8am, so I have to have clothes laid out for me and Jules before bed. And my lunch made up and ready to go with me tomorrow. Friday is hubby's pay day. I need to get a lunchbox for work, and I need a bigger tote bag, one big enough to hold my jacket, just in case I need it. I also take in a variety of snacks with me so I'm prepared in case hunger hits!! There are healthy options at the store though. :) But I haven't looked up and down all the aisles and made a full study of my options though. Fully plan to at the first opportunity.

I have sooooo much energy today and yesterday!! I think it's the healthy eating!! :D Woot! And I just feel super positive! I still plan on getting a walk in today, but honestly housework is more important. I feel like its going to be a slow process balancing housework with Going to work. :/ WE shall see!!

I hope Everyone is having a Terrific Thursday!! :D

08 Januar 2014

Down 1/2 pound this morning. :) A loss is a loss. I'm just glad to see the numbers still going down, but in little increments. My body is still getting use to working a 7hr shift of mostly standing and walking-briskly!! I'm off tomorrow, so I plan to get some miles in!! Going to push for at least 2 miles!! Maybe 2.5. And try go get another 4-5 in over the weekend while I'm not working.

I have some major cleaning to do tomorrow. Laundry, kitchen. Not being home 3 of the last 4 days is showing. And my husband has been getting ready for his weekend drill. So Busy busy. I'm right up at 1500 calories. But feel good about that number with all the standing, and such at work. I think it all evens out in the end.

Also looking forward to cooking something good tomorrow. :) Been eatting left-over baked chicken and such the last 2 days and I'm ready to mix it up a little. I'm thinking Meatballs!! And marinara, and pasta!! With a little sprinkle of cheese. :) Also I'm out of greek yogurt.

Aaand I need to run to toys-r-us tomorrow and return 2 things that I didn't give my daughter for Christmas, I could keep them and put them up to march, but I have this feeling she'll find them even if I have them put up and I hate ruined surprises!

That's it for tonight folks, good night. :)

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