Kedrake18's Notizen

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07 Januar 2014

Forgot to weighin this morning. I stayed up late reading and watching the ice form on the tree outside! Below Freezing in Florida!! And it didn't really melt today! So yeah! lol. Freezing again tonight. I worked from 1:30pm til 10pm tonight. Feeling Rough! And my shoulder has a knot of tension in it. ugh. I just worry about doing well and all the stress goes to my shoulder! I have to plug in all my food for today. It's a little up in the air where it will end up. lol. I pre-measured lunch and dinner yesterday, but haven't put it in. Also had a medium banana, special k bar, one serving of 0% fat Greek yogurt, 1/2 serving of dried cranberries and a 1/4 serving of graham cracker. (Greek yogurt, splenda, drop of vanilla extract, dried cranberries and crumbled graham cracker is delicious together!!!!! Just saying. It's the bomb diggity! lol ) I think I need to get more sleep tonight so as soon as I'm done here on FS, I'm going to bed!!! Sweet lovely wonderful bed. No exercise except for the 7hrs of standing and walking at work. I got running the reports down. Just have to get a handle on the rest of the closing process and I'll be good. I really love my store manager too. She's a hoot!! lol And after closing she has very colourful language! XD And gets very disgruntled with the computer system. So I'm liking the people. :) Though I've only worked with the store manager so far. I'll be handling mostly night shift once I'm trained 3-9:30 will be my regular hours.

Today I'm thankful for Good friends who help babysit at little notice. Comfortable bed, and warm blankets. Oh and coffee, can't forget coffee. :)

Goodnight everyone!

06 Januar 2014

Movin on down!! 2.5 pounds down this morning. O.O lol Must have been the 7hrs of standing I got in last night. Had a good first day on the job. The store manager was Extremely impressed and I did an Awesome Job. lol Can't get better praise than that. :)

My right shoulder, mid back, and legs are sore and achy all to different degrees today. I also walked a 1.05 miles yesterday morning before work. I ended up not being able to come home for dinner last night. But I had taken 3 special K cereal bars, 2 tangerines and a small green apple with me as just in case snacks. Also had 2 bottles of water. So I took off my greek yogurt from my pre-planning, and had an extra tangerine and green apple and special k bar instead. Then had dinner at 10pm when I got home. I didn't go to bed til almost 12. so it balanced out! And the scale was very good this morning! So I must be doing something right. But if I keep losing at this rate over the next week, I will probably add more calories to my day to make up for it. I don't want to drop the weight too quickly or unhealthy. I want to have energy to get though my day not have my body take a huge toll from it.

I think I'll find a good yoga video today to do, I feel the need to stretch my back and legs. I think it will help with the aches.

My daughter goes back to school today, 12-3pm. But I will be talking to the owners about putting her in wrap-around care since I'm starting work. 85.00/week. Monday-Friday 6:15-6pm. She has to be there from 12-3 for her vpk class, but other wise I can pick her up and drop her off as I need/want to. So I'll be able to drop her off in the morning on my days off, if I want to go for a long walk, grocery shopping, or workout. There is a community gym less than 5mins from my house, and the monthly fee to use it is 10 dollars. I think it stays open to 6-7pm too, so it would be a good resource to use in this journey.

Time to go finish lunch up for Jules, and get her hair up for school. We leave in about 40mins!!

Have a Marvelous Monday Everyone!!

05 Januar 2014

Good Morning!! Down 1lb from yesterday!! :D I think I've dropped the majority of the water weight now and will start seeing little half to 1 pound jumps down in the scale. And having 2-3 days stuck at one weight before my weight slides down the scale some more.

Just had to say I love coffee and am thankful for it every day. :)

I start my job tonight 3-9:30pm. Training with the manager. I get to dress like a ninja in all black!! lol Retail ninja! lol I'm very excited about that. After everyone gets sufficiently woke up we're going to go for a walk/run. My husband has to run 2 miles for training and I'm going for support and maybe to get a walk in myself.

Oh speaking on walks, I walked 1.16 miles yesterday with my dog Elvis. We did it in 28:10. That's about 3.45 mph. I'm okay with that starting out! My first go at weightloss I could only walk about 2.5 mph. So even though I've gained all the weight back I'm happy to see I'm at least healthier now than I was then. :) I want to get another mile in today while we're out at the running track.

I had a major sweets craving last night! And gave in to some degree. I took hershey cocoa powder (4 grams) added 3 tablespoons of almond joy creamer to it, and 2 packets of splenda and mixed it til combined. Made a delicious low calorie chocolate sauce. :) Then I cut up a banana and added a 1/5 of the sauce to the bananas. It was sooo good. I followed it up with a mug of hot tea. I was full and there was no guilt as it fit in with my calorie range. :)

My challenges start tomorrow and I'm psyched for them. Doing the 7 mile/week and The first step- starting out. I think the second one is pretty loose in it's guidelines and not overly challenging. But with starting work, you never know when I might be tempted to give in to fast food. I'm hoping with pre-planning it won't come to that. I work about 1/2 mile from my house, so coming home for meals shouldn't be an issue. :) Just have to make sure I have something available for those times. And some quick go-to options. Progresso light soups and a grilled cheese are a favorite. And I have everything in stock for them. Tonight I'll have leftovers from last night's dinner, I logged it all in last night.

Welps time to feed Elvis, the rabbit, and the fish and let the dog out to potty. Have to get him out of my bed first! lol. He'll sleep for an extra 2-3 hours under the blankets on my bed if I let him. But perks up as soon as you say 'Elvis, Squirrel!!' lol then takes off like a bat out of hell for the back door! :P

I hope everyone has a Super Sunday!!

04 Januar 2014

Bigger jump than I thought there would be this morning. I don't know if my scale is having fits or if I'm just dropping that much water weight. :/ I've gone from 328 to 316.5 in only a few days. So it has to be water...drink water to flush water out really works people. I'm hoping to see a steady number that shrinks by smaller increments soon. I'm going to take the new number and run with it though!! :D

I have a job interview in an hour and a half, and still need to have breakfast, log food, and get my face on for it. lol. Woke up wobbly this morning...did not want to leave my bed. lol. Too comfy and warm! My little Boston terrier mix Elvis is still hibernating under my blankets. But when your 4yr old gets up, it's time to GET UP!! Or all Mess breaks loose.

Just waiting on coffee, and my 1/2 a bagel this morning. Taco salad for lunch me thinks. And I have steak strips in the fridgidaire that I think I'll make tonight. I wish we had our new grill seasoned and ready to go, would love to cook the steak on it!! But we need to fire it up once before we cook on it.On second thought I'm really craving Chicken. Too much beef and ham the last week. Just want something lighter. So maybe baked chicken tonight with a large salad. I'll probably figure out dinner after my interview today. Just nervous about it, It's been so long since I applied for a job or even had one. I've been home with my daughter for the last 5 years.

Plans for the day:

Input everything into my food diary
Get christmas boxes from Shed and pack things back up
A walk this afternoon if the weather isn't freezing wind. :)

Thankful for:

New Opportunities.

I hope everyone has a Sunny Saturday! :) Or at least a fun one. lol

03 Januar 2014

Down 7.5lbs. from yesterday. Pretty sure it's all water weight. I had lots of water to drink yesterday and some hot tea and I could tell my body was flushing fluids. I feel really good today, less bloaty. lol. Also I didn't weigh before breakfast like I had planned oh well. Maybe I'll remember tomorrow. Shooting to stay between 1300-1500 calories a day. My food ratio wise I want to get my fat down more as me and it have issue. I had my gallbladder taken out in 2010 and now have some problems with too much fatty meats in my diet. Like Ham and bacon. It's really a love-hate relationship with them. So once the leftover new year ham is gone, I'll cut back on it to almost none. Just hate to be wasteful. I have my meals planned for the day and might add in another tangerine if I still feel hungry later this evening.

I got the munchies last night about 10pm and ended up eatting 2oz of ham, a tangerine and a special K cereal bar. I was really craving sweets, but firmly put the lemon curd back in the fridge after pulling it out. And found other alternatives. I followed it up with more water, then read for an hour and a half before bed.

Plans for today:

Housework: dishes, laundry, sweeping.

Putting my dining room to rights (had it all moved around for our company new years day)

Get Christmas boxes out of the shed and start packing everything back up.

Take presents to my step-sister that my other sister brought to town when she came over.

Stay warm!! In the 20's today in Florida. Bbbrrr... need to find my socks...flip flops won't work today.

Have a Fantastic Friday Everyone!!

Kedrake18's Gewichtsverlauf

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